What happens when you and your partner need to work as a team and intermingle your finances?
By: Shemiah Derrick, LCPC, CADC “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” Wise words from the incomparable James Baldwin. We tend to think of the end of loving someone or a relationship ending as a […]
EVERY SINGLE HUMAN EXPERIENCES STRESS. Even the MVPs whose Instagram feed is lit all the time, whose skin looks amazing, whose outfits are always on point and they eat and drink the most delicious things and capture it in the perfect lighting in their selfie. They get stressed too – trust me. Stress just looks […]
Public speaking can be tough but not impossible. You can overcome it. You’ve been asked to do a presentation at the next staff meeting. You have to pitch potential investors for your new business. Semester’s over and you have to present your capstone project or complete the important step of defending your dissertation. And you […]